Tuesday, April 17, 2012

The Flying What...?

So I had to re-flash my phone because every time I would try to run the new update, it would fail. Anyway, while I was waiting for it to finish, I had the thought that it would be cool to have a blog that just had technology related posts that I think would be useful (or just interesting - maybe just to me) for other people. I've been meaning to create a website for this, but, obviously, the overhead of starting it has kept me from actually doing it. Now before I give a short explanation for the name of this blog, I'd like to set some ground rules...

1) Don't correct my grammar, this is a technology blog and I'm a geek. Everyone knows that we suck at grammar/spelling (for proof, I spelled grammar as "grammer" if you still weren't convinced). Luckily, I have spell check. Unfortunately, grammar check doesn't usually work, so I've learned to ignore it. I suggest you do the same. ;-)

2) Ask questions... Not "I can't get my computer to power on, what should I do?" type questions, but "How would I do ____ with my ____ device?" I can't guarantee that I'll answer them, but I'll try.

That's it for the rules...now on to the title...

So for some time, I've had the sudopseudo-nickname (my sister isn't that good at following rules) of FlyinRiz (hence the vanity plates). The "Flyin" comes from my love of anything that flies and the "Riz" from a college nickname that was given to me by my residents while I was a RA. So why the penguin then? I'm also a pretty big fan of Linux (and its derivatives...e.g. Android) and the logo is a penguin. Yes, that simple.

Isn't he cute?
So there you go, the reason for the blog's title. 

Anyway, hopefully I'll post semi-frequently and it will prove useful to a lot of people. Next post...free wireless tethering on an Android phone WITHOUT rooting. That last part is the key.


  1. I thought you just love penguins....and I will just correct your spelling/grammar in my head then. It will be character building for me.

    1. I do love penguins! But that is what started it :-D

  2. Update me as soon as you make the next post cousin!

  3. So, if I correct "pseudo", is that against the rules since it's spelling and not grammar?
