Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Remember When Facebook Told You They Changed Your Profile Info?

It's probably because they didn't. Wondering what they changed? Check the e-amil under your contact info on Facebook. Not only did they add your, but they also hid all of the other e-mail accounts that you had listed under your contact info.

 So what does this facebook e-mail do? It sends the message to your Facebook message box.

 To change it back go to your profile and click on "Update Info". Scroll down to "Contact Information" and hit "Edit." Use the "No" button to hide the Facebook e-mail and/or show your preferred email address(es). 

Thank you to one of my college roommates (Chris) for bringing this to my attention via this article.

What do you think about this change. Leave a comment and let me know.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Stupid Things You Do With Your Smartphone

To take a break from original content, I thought I would share this article. I was reading it and realized it actually had a lot of good information in it. Not only does it give you a list of things we've heard a hundred times, but it also gives some pretty good links to help you overcome the list. And yes, before you comment, I am also guilty of some of these. So without further ado...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Verizon to Change All Plans (Eliminating Unlimited Data)

You may or may not have heard about Verizon's decision to change their plans around (effective 6/28/12 which is just a few days away), but one important change will be the all but forced move to a metered data plan. If you want to keep your unlimited data for two more years, you better renew now. So how will this effect you? I'm glad you asked. Let's go over the changes (for all of the info visit Verizon's page on the new plans).

Monday, May 21, 2012

Electron Management for Digital Devices - Part 2

Welcome back for part 2 of this two part series on battery maintenance. If you haven't read part 1 yet on the basics of battery technology and theory, I'd encourage you to go over and read it. So without further ado, let's get started...if you would like to skip to the bottom for the list of tips, just click here.

What Drains Your Battery?

So I think it goes without saying that using your phone drains the battery, but what specifically is draining the battery? There are two types of drain on a battery, passive and active (not official names, just what I call them).

Friday, April 27, 2012

Electron Management for Digital Devices - Part 1

I hope I didn't scare you away with the title...maybe I should have called it something like Getting the Most Out of Your Smartphone Battery. This will be a two part series because of the amount of information that I'm going over here. Either way, here goes.

So before I get started with the practical stuff, I'd like to give a brief overview of the technical/theoretical aspect as well as dispel a few myths. I believe that knowing even the basics of the how will help you understand the why. Now, most of the information in this section are not my original thoughts and I like to give credit where credit is due (see footnote). I've tried to only pass on the information that I feel is relevant to this post. Also if you want to get even more technical than what I'm presenting here or you aren't sure of the terms that I'm using, feel free to head on over to Battery University for as much information as your little grey matter desires.

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Free Wireless Tethering

Before I start with the guide, I'd like to offer a shout-out to June Fabrics Technology for introducing me to tethering before Androids and iPhones even existed. They have a great wired tethering product called PdaNet that I have used on a Palm Treo/Centro and various Android phones (it also works on iOS/iPhone, RIM/Blackberry, and Windows Mobile). It's a little pricey for a paid app (~$16), but I've definitely gotten my money back over the years. Since wireless tethering has taken over as the preferred method, this software is a bit outdated, but it's always a good fallback option (for unsupported devices) and as a bonus FoxFi (the app in this guide) is included with the install as of PdaNet v3.50.

Ok so now onto the guide.

Things you'll need:
-A rooted OR unrooted Android 2.2+ (Settings -> About phone -> Android version) phone. This may not work on custom ROMs but if you are running a ROM, this guide would be a little basic. If you don't know what rooted is, then don't worry about it, most likely your phone is unrooted.
-10 minutes.

Check here to see if you phone is compatible or scroll to the end of this post.

The Flying What...?

So I had to re-flash my phone because every time I would try to run the new update, it would fail. Anyway, while I was waiting for it to finish, I had the thought that it would be cool to have a blog that just had technology related posts that I think would be useful (or just interesting - maybe just to me) for other people. I've been meaning to create a website for this, but, obviously, the overhead of starting it has kept me from actually doing it. Now before I give a short explanation for the name of this blog, I'd like to set some ground rules...

1) Don't correct my grammar, this is a technology blog and I'm a geek. Everyone knows that we suck at grammar/spelling (for proof, I spelled grammar as "grammer" if you still weren't convinced). Luckily, I have spell check. Unfortunately, grammar check doesn't usually work, so I've learned to ignore it. I suggest you do the same. ;-)

2) Ask questions... Not "I can't get my computer to power on, what should I do?" type questions, but "How would I do ____ with my ____ device?" I can't guarantee that I'll answer them, but I'll try.

That's it for the on to the title...