Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Remember When Facebook Told You They Changed Your Profile Info?

It's probably because they didn't. Wondering what they changed? Check the e-amil under your contact info on Facebook. Not only did they add your, but they also hid all of the other e-mail accounts that you had listed under your contact info.

 So what does this facebook e-mail do? It sends the message to your Facebook message box.

 To change it back go to your profile and click on "Update Info". Scroll down to "Contact Information" and hit "Edit." Use the "No" button to hide the Facebook e-mail and/or show your preferred email address(es). 

Thank you to one of my college roommates (Chris) for bringing this to my attention via this article.

What do you think about this change. Leave a comment and let me know.

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

The Stupid Things You Do With Your Smartphone

To take a break from original content, I thought I would share this article. I was reading it and realized it actually had a lot of good information in it. Not only does it give you a list of things we've heard a hundred times, but it also gives some pretty good links to help you overcome the list. And yes, before you comment, I am also guilty of some of these. So without further ado...

Monday, June 25, 2012

Verizon to Change All Plans (Eliminating Unlimited Data)

You may or may not have heard about Verizon's decision to change their plans around (effective 6/28/12 which is just a few days away), but one important change will be the all but forced move to a metered data plan. If you want to keep your unlimited data for two more years, you better renew now. So how will this effect you? I'm glad you asked. Let's go over the changes (for all of the info visit Verizon's page on the new plans).